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Arka Kinari 4Pi Productions

THE VOYAGE OF ARKA KINARI – Documentary Immersive Film

Embark on a cinematic experience where art, music, and environmental advocacy seamlessly converge. 

Immersive documentary film about the extraordinary journey aboard the 70-ton sailing ship, Arka Kinari, ingeniously transformed into a cultural platform to amplify the urgent call for action on the climate crisis.

Delve into the inspiring voyage across oceans of musicians Filastine & Nova, connecting distant shores through the unifying language of music and art to raise awareness about climate resilience on a global scale.

This fulldome film encapsulates the bulk of the ship and the vastness of the sea whilst projecting a vision of a nomadic lifestyle in a porous and borderless future, exploring life after the carbon economy, resilience to climate change, and re-engagement with the sea.

18th January 2025
Doors open: 3pm
Screening starts: 4pm
Film finish: 4.45pm
All ages / Family Friendly

Get tickets HERE

Supported by the British Council, International Collaborations grant.